5 Health Benefits of Supergrain - Ragi

Looking at my kitchen these days, reminded me of my Grandmother's. I'm bringing back coconut oil, sesame oil and Ghee! Also, I have noticed a positive shift people are making towards the choice of FOOD. Due to financial wellness and health mindset shift, many are taking a lot of interest in ancient grains these days. Before the 1950s, whole grains such as barley, brown rice, amaranth and ragi were staples in Indian traditional diet after which rice took over completely. A whole grain is one which contains all three parts of the kernel - the bran, germ and endosperm while refined grains are processed to retain only the endosperm.  Its also gluten free. I guess time has come to "unprocess" our diet by re-learning and reintroducing Ragi into our lives, especially if you have kids who are picky eaters. Why? Because this makes whole grains healthier as they contain the fiber-dense bran and along with other essential nutrients that are not lost due to processing. Ragi is one such super grain that has recently made a comeback, welcome back Ragi! 

If you are wondering what are the health benefits of Ragi, here you go:-

1. Loaded with Calcium: Ragi flour is one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium when compared to any other grains. According to the National Institute of Nutrition in India, 100 grams of Ragi contains 344 mg calcium. Calcium is critical for healthy bones and teeth and prevention of osteoporosis - a disease which weakens the bones. "It is extremely beneficial for growing kids and can be given in the form of Ragi Porridge," recommends Bangalore-based Nutritionist, Dr. Anju Sood.

2. Reverse Premature Skin Ageing: Ragi works wonders for maintaining young and youthful skin. Vital amino acids like Methionine and Lysine present in it make the skin tissues less prone to wrinkles and sagging. Dr. Sood explains, "Ragi is also one of the very few natural sources of Vitamin D which is mostly derived from sunlight. Vitamin D is a carrier molecule for calcium, which accounts for vitality."

3. Battles Anemia: Ragi is an excellent source of natural iron and thus a boon for anemic patients and also for those with low haemoglobin levels. Once ragi is allowed to sprout, the Vitamin C levels tend to increase and lead to easy absorption of iron into the bloodstream. Dr. Sood tells us, "For the optimum absorption of iron, you can consume it in the form of Ragi thosai or Ragi Balls, with plenty of vegetables and a generous squeeze of lime or a bowl of tangy sambar or dhall."

4. Relaxes the Body: Regular consumption of Ragi is highly beneficial in dealing with conditions of anxiety, depression and insomnia. The presence of antioxidants, mainly Tryptophan and amino acids, helps as they work as natural relaxants. What better way there is than to calm yourself down by munching on some healthy and crisp Ragi cookies?

5. (Jackpot!) Helps in Weight Loss: The high amount of dietary fibre combine keeps the stomach full for a longer and prevents unwanted cravings. This in turn leads to a minimised appetite and weight loss. "Ragi flour lowers your blood sugar levels in the body by activating insulin. Its said best to be consumed in the morning to make the most of its qualities and keep you full through the day.
