Gratitude Journal is it useful?

I started this year with a Gratitude journal and it has been amazingly positive. A mindset shift is happening to me. I have started to embrace negativity and not run away from it. 

I am grateful for...
🙏🏻 The the running around I have to do because it means I am worthy
🙏🏻 The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
🙏🏻 My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
🙏🏻 A lawn that has to be mowed, windows that have to be washed and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
🙏🏻 The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
🙏🏻 All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
🙏🏻 The crying of my sons because it means that I can hear.
🙏🏻 The huge piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
🙏🏻 The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I’m alive.

