How I lost 10kg weight?

First thing I did was to fix the Relationship I had with Thyself .....

"If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you." – Jenna Wolfe

Week 1 : RELAX

R for Rest, Reconnect, Reset boundaries - me time
E for Establish relationship with the self - breathing exercise, pyhsical exercise
L for Limit - Screen time & calorie intake
A for Awareness of the self - practise mindfulness - How? Start a gratitude journal
X - forgive and forget your past or Exs. Move on!

Pick your 2 habits you can implement in this one week out of the R.E.L.A.X

Week 2 : EAT 

Week 3: MOVE

Week 4: SLEEP

I must Admit that my fat loss results weren’t diet dependent. They were behavior dependent. I instilled new habits and it kept me motivated for 6 months now and still counting....I focused on FIT not thin. Fat loss somehow fell into place mindlessly. 

Maintaining a healthy body (including a healthy body weight for me was 55kg) is about developing consistent, sustainable daily habits that help you positively impact “energy in” and “energy out.”

I found a purpose in life - hiking and getting lost staring at the snow cap mountains

With love & Wellness...... Drona 
