The two anti inflammatory ingredients this top vegan chef uses

The Two anti inflammatory Ingredients This Top Vegan Chef Adds To Everything (even tempeh)

It's no secret that the life of a chef, and especially elite chefs, isn't always the healthiest. Especially during dining hours and busy shifts without time for breaks often means grabbing bites of food here and there without much thought for nutrition. Preparing meals but they hardly have time for a proper meal time. After years of living like that, chef Gaya Queen realized she needed a change. This global pandemic has pushed her further to work on her journey towards wellness, sustainability and started her health journey by introducing a Wellness Lunch box campaign which was initiated for almost 2 weeks now. Chef Gaya mentioned that this campaign was her 8 months of research and 2 months of preparation's result. Success never comes overnight and it needs severe effort with clear vision. 

Meet Chef Gaya Queen 

Well, it's an initiative by Chef Gaya with the interest of her partners by introducing fusion Asian Style dishes which is thoroughly plant-based or vegan friendly and its curated according to the "Suku-Suku Separuh" portion control concept introduced by Ministry of Health Malaysia.. Moreover, she went the extra mile just to ensure her customers and the public knows what's the benefit of each vegetable or ingredients used in the lunch box and the calories by writing a Fortune Sticker and attach it to every customer. Isn't it amazing and look at how passionate she is?

She is not only cooking the food with low ðŸ†˜ salt,  low oil and low sugar concept but she high in wisdom advocating on how beneficial a plant based food with real food, natural ingredients, can be to the public. How many of us know what's the benefit of coral lettuces, or black fungus? How many of us can prepare a sustainable meal where grandparents and kids can enjoy without worrying the quantity of salt, oil and sugar ðŸ†˜. This is for OVERALL wellness. Can you expect that in any of lunch boxes especially in today's time being? 

Her journey as a Private Chef : Nasi Lemak for a couple made with love 

Hence she herself, took that first step to change into a full lifestyle overhaul: from a life of working so hard to a lifestyle of Veganism,  plant based diet, exercise, and mindfulness. "When I finally got into a self reflection mode, I kind of wanted to change so many parts about me," , "I had a lot of energy that I needed to replace with positive, healthy, healing things for the work. I do social media posting + kitchen + marketing + cleaning + content creation + live cooking shows. So imagine! ” In large part, that experience helped inspire her new wellness lunch box campaign which will run for a year with the objective of preparing real food for wellness warriors by boosting their immunity to fight the virus! 

"I think whether you're on an alternative diet or not, people just generally want to eat better, and they don't want to feel restricted," she says. "For me, I can literally eat like a huge piece of tofu or tempeh and some greens and be completely HAPPY. It's really about filling up on the good stuff."

The two ingredients she adds to almost every dish.

There are two ingredients that Chef Gaya adds to nearly everything she cooks, for their bold flavor and health benefits.

"Ginger is something that is always in my pantry. Since I don’t use garlic and onions, Ginger is an ingredient that's actually in the food of a lot of different daily fusions," she says. "It's delicious; it adds brightness; it adds depth.  For spiciness of my fusions black pepper is used. “ I use many types of spices and herbs as spices are derived from Mother Nature and are inexpensive, they are relatively safer to consume.” she says. 

Truly, you'd be hard-pressed to find a recipe that doesn't use at least one, and, in most cases, both, of these anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Research suggests that both ginger and black pepper have inflammation-fighting abilities and compounds, among other benefits. 

With all the benefits shared with reference backed by science, she is kind enough to share one of her easiest Mexican tempeh salsa recipe. A gift from nature she says. So go ahead and dance with it! 

**Tempeh is a fermented food that is nutritious especially for gut health. 

Mexican Tempeh Salsa Recipe 

1) Baked tempeh with turmeric and salt 

2) Cut 2 tomato into cubes

3) Fry ginger until it turns crispy

4) 1 cucumber finely chopped 

5) 2 tablespoons of lime juice.

6) 1 tablespoon of peanut spread 

7) Low sodium Himalayan pink salt 

8) Low sodium light soy sauce or mushroom sauce 

9) Mint leaves / coriander leaves

10) Ceylon Cinnamon powder (1tablespoon) 

Method of preparation: 

1) Add coconut oil into the pan 

2) Add baked tempeh 

3) Add soy sauce, peanut spread, tomato cubes and diced cucumbers. Stir them on high heat.

4) Add salt as per the taste. 

5) Mix everything together and do not overcook the veggies  

6) Add lemon juice

7) Add cinnamon powder 

8) Garnish with mint or coriander and sprinkle the fried ginger on top of the dish

Mexican tempeh salsa is ready to be served with hot rice or bread. 

Fried tempeh served with wholesome meal 

Preparation time : 5 minutes 

Cooking time : 10 minutes 

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With Love and wellness,
Drona Dewi
Mental Health First Aider
Wellness Trainer at Drona Wellness

Disclaimer: The information provided by Drona Dewi, a wellness coach who is from a biotechnology background, a lifestyle researcher. Certified mental health first aider by Malaysian Mental Health Association and the information is not intended to be and should be relied upon as a substitute for specific professional medical advice. 
